So the day before surgery I was only able to have protein shakes & nothing after midnight.
I remember nothing from surgery except waking up lol. Know that 2 hours after recovery & every 2 hours for the remainder of your stay you will be expected to walk to prevent blood clots.
The day after I felt like crap! People pay attention you will be given nausea meds if you are still throwing up tell a Nurse if she says that's normal get another nurse! I kept vomiting & there was blood in my vomit I tell the nurse she told me it was normal the next morning my doctor came to visit saw the vomit and had a cow long story short it's not normal my new stomach was rejecting the morphine! How scary is that. On top of that I had no desire to eat or drink I just wanted to sleep. My neighbor could eat jello drink broth & everything. So you see everyone is different.
Also don't be afraid to ask about your meds & the maximum dosage & the times it can be administered. This is important info... Another horror story for you. Let's call her Nurse Ratchet so NR was so busy with this difficult patient that she ignored the rest of this (this is the excuse I was given by her supervisor) I never got my pain meds on time :( then come to find out that she was giving me the lowest dosage of both pain & nausea meds but forcing me to drink fluids. Thanks to every form of a higher power for a thing called SHIFT CHANGE. My new Nurse Michelle reported Nurse Ratchet to her supervisor ASAP & I never saw her the rest of my stay.
I stayed in the hospital for 3 days. On the 3rd day I was up walking around & ready to go home! Still not hungry. Yes there was pain but if you stay on top of taking your meds on time you can reduce your pain.
* Single parents (like myself) Plan for someone to keep your kid(s) for 7 days maybe more my brother kept my daughter for a week.
That first day home I slept as much as I could!! Then walked & drank water every time I woke up lol
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